Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I just discovered that everyone and their mom has a friggin' blog. I got mad jealous so here I am. I had a hard time thinking of a URL, and despite Nate's insistance that I include the word "cunt," I quite like the word "schtick."
It came about when I was whining about a girl at work who I thought was Jewish, but who is actually only dating a Jew. I was all "Wait. Shiksa girlfriend? That's my schtick!" See? Interesting.
I'm all sick today. Some sort of ferocious cold. It's lame. I had to work, which was pretty miserable, especially because almost every customer was hateable. Or as Jones put it, "What's with this asshole parade?"
I'm never sick, and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself. Thankfully Dan is really sympathetic and just wants to take care of me when I'm sick. I, on the other hand, am the least sympathetic person I know. He went to the store and got me all kinds of crap to make me feel better. I probably would have done the same for him, only I would have done it begrudgingly. He's a lucky guy!
Meanwhile, who gets sick in the summer?
Thankfully I have tomorrow off. I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably mope around. I'm hoping I feel better in the morning. I would like to go to the library. I'm having a hard time getting into any books I have. I have tons of great books that I really want to read, but I can't just pick one. I got a book from the library last week that looked funny, a satrical novel about self-help books. It was suposed to be witty and sarcastic, but the writing was terrible. I couldn't even get in to it. It was just stupid. I would like to read something light but intelligent and I'm having a hard time finding something.


Anonymous said...

instead of asshole parades, i say everyone has a bad case of bitchy and today was one of those days for me.

Sharks Keep Moving said...
