Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You can't make me

I'm trying to plow through my ethics reading. It's only 28 pages, but I just can't stand this author. He's a jerk. And he's a misogynist!!! He compared all women's ability to do manual labor with the abilities of the elderly and handicapped. My only consolation is that he is dead. DEAD! So, anyway, I gave up with about 7 pages to go. I'll finish it tomorrow. Whatevs.

Tomorrow I might be looking at an apartment. Apparently some dude was supposed to take it, and he has the lease that he is filling out, but he now won't return their phone calls. Or something. So it could go either way. The people we rent from are pretty sketchy. I'm just hoping they like us (I don't see why they wouldn't, we pay the rent on time and aren't annoying) so that we get dibs on awesome apartments. I measured our current apartment to see how small it really is, and to have something to compare square footage to, and I almost died when I found out that this place is under 400 square feet. I don't know how I've lived here with another human for the past year.

My birthday is in a month. I guess I'm going to be 24. I'm not really sure how that happened. I can't exactly remember when I stopped being 19.


ally said...

LOL @ "i guess i'm going to be 24"

Lindsay said...

Yeah, I'm kind of in denial. Haha!