Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's getting hot in here

So there's something wrong with me, and I'm not really sure what it is, but a little time on Web MD tells me that I am suffering from heat exhaustion.
It all started on Thursday at work, while I was on bagel bar. It's really hot outside suddenly, proper summer hot, and consequently it's really hot inside the coffee shop. It's even hotter at the bagel bar, because a) you're in front of a toaster and b) you're moving non-stop making breakfast for all of Saratoga. Anyway, I was bageling my little heart out, and suddenly I started feeling really faint and nauseous. This has never happened to me before. I thought I might pass out and was worried about hitting my head on the counter and was also thinking that passing out while holding a big knife is probably not ideal. Unfortunately, nobody who was capable of bageling was nearby, and through some logic, I kept bageling for a good 10 minutes feeling this way. At this point, I was feeling quite panicked, thankfully someone who was able to take over walked by and I was able to go sit down and drink a bunch of water. I was then sent on break, and felt slightly better when I came back. I was well enough to finish my shift and rested all night when I got home.
Friday I felt okay at work, a little off but much better than the day before. That is, until the end of my shift when I developed an excruciating headache. Seriously, one of the worst I've ever had. It felt like there was all this pressure inside my skull. I couldn't even cash my check on the way home from work because I needed to just lie down. I immediately went to sleep upon arriving home, and slept until Dan got home from work, 3 or 4 hours later. I rested all night Friday and all day Saturday, and today at work I felt just fine. After walking home from work, I started feeling shaky again, but went to get a haircut anyway. The car was really hot inside, and my symptoms came back after about 10 minutes of driving. By the time I got home from my haircut, I felt extremely faint and my headache was back. Sheesh.
This is when I did some research, and it seems like I might have heat exhaustion. I don't really know. I've been consuming copious amounts of water since Thursday, which must be helping, but any time I am exposed to the heat I get really weird. This puts a serious damper on our trip to NYC and hiking in New Paltz tomorrow, as it's probably going to be nearly 100 degrees. It's okay, we decided to go to the museum of natural history to stay outta the heat.
So, anyway, that's my long winded story of my disease. Does it sound like heat exhaustion? How long will I need to avoid heat? I'd rather not develop heat stroke and die, but at some point I'd like to resume outdoor activities.

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