Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kiss me, I voted

Obligatory post-election day paragraph:
I have mixed feelings about the election. I'm relieved, for sure. If McCain won, it would have been a disaster. I was pretty sure Obama would win, but then again, I was certain Bush couldn't possibly be re-elected, which taught me a lesson about over estimating my fellow Americans.
That being said, I'm not excited about Obama. I mean, we'll see what happens. I was really excited Dennis Kucinich for the 3o seconds he was running. I also knew he wouldn't be president, but a girl can dream.

In other news, we have mice again. It's like we're cursed. Long story short, we've caught 3 mice in traps inside our stove (ew) and we discovered a mouse living under the fridge. We left it (them, probably) a little poison treat after they refused to go into traps, and they are eating it up. Stupid mice. We've had 2 mice die from eating poison in the middle of living rooms, so I'm expecting the corpses to turn up any time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't die in the walls or whatevs, which is what you always hear in conjunction with using poison.

This weekend Dan and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary at a B&B in Vermont. Our actual anniversary was October 27, but we had to wait for foliage season to be over so we could afford it. It's going to be really nice. I'm even going to get all gussied up for dinner, if you can believe that. I can't wait to go!

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