Sunday, November 9, 2008

So, the trip went well...

Oh shit, I'm seriously a grownup...I'm engaged! I'm uncharacteristically, wholeheartedly excited. Who knew I would be so girly underneath all those layers of sarcasm and cynicism? I already bought a wedding planning book and started my guest list. Shit, there goes all my street cred.

My parents were less enthusiastic then I thought they would be. They seemed happy and supportive, but nobody screamed. I think this is due to the following circumstances:
1) I am the youngest in my family, and my brother and sister have collectively been married three times. This is nothing new.
2) Seeing as how I'm their youngest child, their baby, my being old enough to get married probably makes them feel old
3) I mentioned to my mom about a month ago that Dan and I were discussing marriage, so this doesn't come as a total surprise.
4) I think my mom wants me to get married in Iowa, but that's obviously not going to happen and she knows it.
My sister and brother are really excited, and Dan's family was really excited too. Eeshk! I'm like a real person.

Vermont was really nice. The B&B was amazing. Everyone was skeptical, but it was great. The room was cute, we had a little sitting area with a view of the mountains and Lake Champlain. The breakfast was amazing. We'll probably stay there again someday. The entire trip was wonderful. I would love to live in Burlington, it's a great city, but it's really expensive.

The war on mice is still going on. The death toll is now up to 5. I put a scoreboard up on the fridge: Us-5 Mice-0. The death toll is expected to rise due to all the poison that's being eaten. They may get revenge by dying inside our walls, though. We'll see.

Oh, and! My blog just got a whole lot swankier.


ally said...

even though i think young marriage is nutz, i support your in your endeavor and wish you everlasting love (like the song!).

also, i've been stalking your blog. i don't know if you were aware of that.

Boner said...

Still excited for you. Check with me again in like two years. It might wear off. I LOVE MARRIED PEOPLE I LOVE SURPRISES.

Also I linked to you on my blog. Expect your hits to increase not at all.

orange stripes said...

i knew that my chants to the voodoo gods and sacrificing all of those baby deer would pay off some day. bless the dark magicks that you are now engaged!

a horror beyond imagining