Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rambly Rant

School has officially started, putting a srs damper on my social life/sitting on the couch time. Four days a week, I go to work wicked early, then study as soon as I get home, stopping only to eat dinner and then eventually go to sleep. On day five, I wake up, start doing work, and continue until 6pm or so. Last week I was able to finish all my work by Thursday night so that Friday I could sit on the couch and Saturday I could play with Dan, which was wonderful.
One of my professors is insisting I submit my weekly essays to this online tutoring service (insulting!) before submitting them to her, so now I have to wait for them to make comments about my paper and send it back to me, and then "fix" the damn thing before I can even turn it in, which means tomorrow I won't be able to just sit on the couch watching Blossom all day.
I checked this professor I've been bitching about to everyone who will listen (and maybe some who are tuning me out) on Rate My Professor and she got terrible reviews. Everyone had basically the same complaints as I do. One of my main issues with her is that she has no concept of grammar or punctuation. Her most commonly used punctuation is the ellipsis. Which, beyond making me think she's a total idiot, creates much confusion in her directions and answers to my questions. Also, she keeps sending snarky emails with conflicting demands. Plus, she may or may not be a baptist priest (minster?). I got inconclusive evidence from google. Thankfully, she seemed to grade my first paper fairly. I got an 85! All of her criticisms were fair. I guess I should back up my bold statements with fact. She as all "PROVE IT." And I was all "WHAER."
The good news is that I am going to sleep soon and I'm not waking up until I'm good an ready tomorrow.

1 comment:

ally said...

i wanna watch blossom!!!