Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wow, our bodies are GROSS.

Dan and I went to NYC yesterday. When had to drive to Croton-Harmon to catch a commuter train instead of Poughkeepsie because a train had derailed earlier that morning, which was kind of a pain in the ass. It made the trip longer than normal. But we saved some money on the ticket. So look at that, my glass is half full.
We headed to South Street Seaport to see the Bodies exhibit. In case you haven't heard of it (and are too lazy to click on the link) it's an exhibit of actual human bodies and body parts that have been plasticised through a process much too complicated for my little brain to comprehend. It's intent is to show people what our bodies look like inside and how they work. There are quite a few full bodies stripped down to various degrees to show muscles and nerves and stuff. The part that surprised me was that these bodies weren't in a case of any sort, or even roped off. They were just...standing there. You could get right up to them. I mean, you weren't allowed to touch them, but you could have if you wanted to.
I saw so many amazing things. Some of the bodies were cut in half or into slices and then lined up, so you could see cross sections of our insides. There was a body next to it's skeleton. And on and on. I'm really glad I went. It's surprising how little we know about our bodies. There was a touch station with a brain, which I picked up and got creeped out by. I got queasy by the end of it, I think the tumor with hair and teeth growing on it was what did it. I definitely felt my lunch churning in my stomach, and couldn't eat for hours afterwards. But it was worth it. If you get the chance to see it, you should.
We then walked from the Seaport to Union Square (which doesn't beat the time we walked from Grand Central Station all the way to and across the Brooklyn Bridge) because we always try to walk a crazy amount when we go there. Just for the purpose of walking a crazy amount. We calculated (because it's all part of our craziness) and we walked between 6 and 8 miles yesterday. The weather was good for walking, it wasn't windy or snowing or anything. We went to the Strand, and it was crazier in there then I've ever seen it. I've been there on weekends and weekdays, I guess we just have lucked out in the past. I quickly got overwhelmed. I did find a Joyce Carol Oates book that I don't have and a T.C. Boyle book that has caught my eye in the past. I've never read anything by him, but Dan said he read a short story that he liked.
On the way home we stopped in New Paltz to go to Taco Shack, which is Dan's favorite restaurant in the entire world. The name sums it up, it's totally sketchy. But totally delicious.

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