Friday, July 10, 2009


Dan and I were in Target earlier today, and I left him to scavenge for food. I found a lunchable, and as I was walking towards him, a woman walked in front of him and said "Excuse me." Dan replied "Sure." This is when Dan noticed me, and I proudly held up my lunchable, to which Dan exclaimed "Niiiiiice!" The woman, however, having seen him browsing on his own, seemed to think that he was commenting on her assets. She turned and threw him the dirtiest look, but then saw me and my lunchable and, after realizing what had actually happened, hightailed it out of there. This situation prompted a quick fantasy involving Dan actually commenting on a woman in Target, and it was pretty funny.
We also witnessed a ridiculious hit and run at target. She smashed into this car right in front of us, causing a considerable amount of damage, looked at us, and then drove away. So we went ahead and put her licence plate number on the damaged car for her. Have a nice day, criminal!


Megan said...

you and dan are really good citizens

Daniel Sennis said...

I hope I get to go to court and testify!