Wednesday, September 9, 2009

happy happy happy

Hey, guess who's glass is half full? I am so happy to be back in school. It's so bizarre to be going to a regular college instead of doing mostly 0n-line classes. I'm like, "you want me to sit at a desk?" I am taking classes at night because we only have one car and Dan works during the day. It works out quite well because so far there's a good mix of ages in my classes. It's not all dumb 18 year olds.
It feels really weird to be only working 2 days a week (which is sponsored by all the "Oops I don't have money for rent" coupons I've been collecting from Dan over the years, and his desire to help me live an awesome life). To be able to spend the majority of my time doing something I really enjoy is completely foreign. High school felt like an obligation, and after that came work, so I've always been doing stuff that I have to do, even if I hate it. I'm choosing to go to school now, and I love it. Specifically, I am thrilled to be taking Spanish (my first class was tonight!) which is what I want to do with my life. I'm doing something I love and it's getting me from here to my desired career. My life has purpose. I'm a real human.

This also means I get to sleep in 5 days a week and stay up until a normal-person time at night. I hadn't realized how stressful getting up at 5am is until I stopped having to do it. I know some people can function with little sleep, but I'm not that person. I am miserable with anything less than 7 hours. Which means that I have to be asleep by 10pm every night. Which rarely happens. Not to mention I'm a light sleeper, so throw noisy neighbors or Dan waking me up into the mix, and fuggitaboutit.

Long story short: My life is suddenly really awesome.

There is this nagging sense of guilt, however. Like, shouldn't my life suck at least a little? I know once school picks up, I'll be really busy, but I don't mind writing papers and studying.

Either way, I'm disgustingly excited and uncharacteristically optimistic.

Oh, on a completely unrelated topic, I'm trying to decide whether or not to change my last name when I get married. I know, I know, I shouted "I'M NEVER CHANGING MY NAME!" from the rooftops, but I've been thinking about it lately, and think it could be nice. But it's my name. How do you even make a decision like that? Yikes.

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