Thursday, September 24, 2009

let's talk about sex

I am taking college health this semester because...well, I don't really know why. It's an easy credit and fulfills a requirement, in theory. However, it's a 3 hour class that runs until 9:30 p.m., there is a quiz every week, next week we have a big stupid test, and I had to sign up for a day to present my research paper today, the main problem being that I haven't even chosen a topic yet.

To compound my doubt over choosing this course, tonight's topic was S-E-X. Perhaps the weirdest thing about it is that today I stumbled upon a blog on the Glamour magazine website (I don't want to talk about it) with a category "Your Most Awkward Sex Experiences!!!!11!" Because I've never had a particularly awkward sex experience (unless you count the whole hey,-that's-my-roommate-I'm-having-sex-with thing), so I was quite intrigued. I found an entry about a 5th grade teacher who made a end of the year video for her class, only to discover after having sent out a copy to each child that there was an 8 second clip of her nekkid, doing god knows what, on the DVD. This led Dan and I to a discussion of our experiences with sex education. I was listening to a Genius playlist on my iPod off of "Push It" by S&P, and I kid you not, the song that came on as I was parking at school was "let's talk about sex." I then went to class and got some sex education. I chalk this up to synchronicity, which I learned from Ally's blog.

Anyhow, in my class, hilarity ensued. He's this 49 year old big, macho guy from with a heavy downstate accent, and he's always saying the funniest shit. I should really start tape recording the classes for my later amusement. Our preview to sexuality came a few weeks ago when we were talking about psychological health, and he was talking about hormones. He told us that "Women have estrogen, and that's the main hormone that comes know...down there." Today's class included such classic gems as: "You will all experience break-ups. Probably a lot of them. Some of yous guys are probably sluts, right? You know, tramps?" And when a slide came up listing the types of sex (oral, anal, etc.) and he goes, "I don't really have anything to say about this. Know how to do these things." All in all, it felt like getting a sex ed lesson from your dad.

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