Sunday, January 10, 2010

Whining about sickness/rejoicing about my trip

Dan and I were infected by an unnamed criminal with a horrible cold on New Year's Eve. I got a little tickle in my throat on Monday, and lived in denial until Tuesday afternoon when I got weak and feverish. I have spent almost every minute since Monday on the couch, except for the few but detrimental hours spent at work. I thought the cold would peak on Wednesday and then get better, especially because I'm resting, taking airborne every day (tons 'o vitamins) and drinking tons of tea, water, and juice.
You can imagine my surprise, then, when the damn thing kept getting worse. Wednesday: worse. Thursday: worse. Friday: worse. WTF? Thankfully, it seems to have plateaued, but when is it going to get better? Woe is me.
Thankfully Simone swooped in to save me and is covering my shift at work today. I want to give resting one last chance before I travel tomorrow, because as it is, I don't think it's going to feel very good. I'm flying to Iowa to visit my family and friends (yay!), and being sick wasn't part of the plan. Urgh.
I am really excited about my trip, sick or not! I usually only see my family once a year, but I just saw them in May, and I'm seeing them now, and then they're coming for my wedding in July. I feel spoiled. I'm also wicked proud of my packing skillz. All I'm brining is my backpack and my purse. Since I'm going to meet my sister at the MOA instead of the airport (it's easier to get to for her and not difficult to get to from the airport) I don't want to have luggage.
My trip is going to be awesome. I'm going to hang out with people, my sister is throwing me a bridal shower, and I'm going to my BFF's baby shower. I'm flying back on Tuesday the 19th, and my flight isn't until 7pm, so I'm going to take a bus up to Minneapolis and chillax there for a few hours. This is going to be me:
Okay, nap time! Hopefully I heal miraculously from this cold overnight!

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