Sunday, August 10, 2008

I dreamed your baby

This is kind of old news, but I was just thinking about it. A few weeks ago, I had a vivid dream that I was pregnant with twins. At this point, the details of the dream are hazy, but I remember being scared but wanting to keep 'em. Also Dan was excited in the dream.
The dream was so real that I woke up thinking I was preggers. I told Dan about the dream and all he had to say was "Yikes." Yikes is right, sucker. I felt creeped out all morning, and ended up talking about the dream at work. A girl I work with jumped into the conversation because she thought she might be pregnant, and she is the only person in her family not to have twins yet, so there was a chance it was twinsies. She hadn't talked about the possible pregnancy before that moment, so it was weird. I told her I hoped it was her and not me.
Last week the pregnancy was confirmed, although not the twins part yet. So this means a couple of things: 1) I'm definitely psychic 2) I'm definitely not pregnant 3) I definitely dreamed her babies.

I've been really tired this weekend. I can't wait for racing season to be over. I'm too grumpy to deal with customers level of neediness. "I want my cappuccino moderately dry (what does that even mean? "Moderately."). Give me a grande triple skinny mochaccino (what does that even mean?) Give me a blueberry bagel. Is this my bagel? Can you make sure number 76 is toasted well but not burned? Can you suck my balls while you make my sandwich?" The one thing that made my life worth living today was when Bob and Charlie kissed on the lips per my request. It was incredible.

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