Saturday, August 16, 2008

No Pictures

About a month ago a woman from some Saratoga magazine (Saratoga Today?) was taking photos of UG. I'm not sure of what exactly, a bagel probably, the outside of the building, etc. But then she started taking pictures of us, without permission. We didn't like it (I mean, come on. We're working-we're all sweaty and disheveled. Who wants that out in the world?), and asked her to stop. I believe her exact response was "There's nothing you can do about it."
I'm not sure about privacy laws-I know you can take someones picture on the street, but I feel like in a privately owned business you should not be able to to take photos-especially of employees-without their permission. Especially for use in a magazine. I also think that it's basic courtesy to ask permission before taking pictures of strangers.
So anyway, the woman proceeded to take a few more pictures of us, even after we asked her to stop, but we were glaring at her and she quickly skedaddled. But it happened again today!
Some random guy (a tourist probably-he was with his family, screaming baby and all) was standing at the end of the bar snapping pictures of us while we worked. Corey told him he had to stop, but he didn't. Until we all started making a scene. Charlie declared that we should call the guy "Pervert" and started yelling "Hey, pervert, stop taking our picture!" Meanwhile, the guy was waiting for his food. He appeared to be really uncomfortable, so I made sure to give him furious eyes as much as I could while still bageling quickly.
The thing is, what would he possibly do with pictures of us working? Like, frame them and hang them on his living room wall? I doubt it. Probably he was just some middle-aged schmuck trying to be artsy. Fucking asshole.
Someone threw the idea out there that we should go take pictures of him eating lunch. Nobody wanted to risk their job, although it would almost have been worth it.
Is racing season over yet?

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