Friday, August 15, 2008

What am I, a grown-up or something?

My 2 year anniversary is coming up in October, and we booked a room at a B&B in Vermont for it. That seems incredibly adult to me for some reason. I struggle with the fact that I'm a "grown-up" sometimes. I have this theory that once you cross the threshold into grown-updom there's no going back, so I'm resiting with all my might. That's not to say I'm not actually a grown up (I work and pay bills and grocery shop and all that other adulty stuff) I'm just in denial.
I'm excited about going to the B&B. It's going to be really nice. We have to go 2 weeks after our actual anniversary because during foliage season you have to book rooms for two nights and be really rich and stuff. Which is stupid. But whatever.

Last night was Girls Night Out. I got really drunk off two drinks before 10pm somehow and remained ridiculously intoxicated until I went to bed at 1am or something. I wasn't planning on getting that wasted, though. Tabatha announced that the three of us (Jones, Tab, and Me) make a good trio (although she was drunk so I think she actually said "threeo"): Jones is the Chic one, Tabatha is the slut, and I'm the badass. That's pretty true. At one point I told some middle aged guy who was hitting on Tabatha (SLUT!) that she was my girlfriend, and anyway he was way too old to be hitting on her (BADASS!). What is it with these middle aged men tourists that make them thing 20-something girls want to sleep with them? I'm thinking temporary alcoholism is the only way I'm going to deal with the tourists for the rest of the summer. It seems like a good strategy.

1 comment:

Daniel Sennis said...

At least we don't have a house and kids, how can you feel old with such a fresh and exciting bf. I'm always down for anything, as long as its before 9pm and it doesn't involve loud noise :)