Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I rarely have nightmares, or vivid dreams for that matter, but last night I had an awful one! It was super vivid. I dreamed that I was in a building, on the second to top floor, when I noticed it was on fire. There were some people (not sure who) on the top floor, but when I opened the door to the stairway to go warn them to get out, the entire top floor was on fire. I had no choice but to get myself out of there. Of course, the building had tons of levels, and it took forever to get to the bottom floor, and when I got there, my mom and (fictional) little sister were there. They didn't know about the fire, and when I told them, weren't in too much of a hurry to evacuate. Finally, I convinced them to get out, grabbed my computer (I have my priorities, even in dreams!) and we got out. Once outside, it was my parents house on fire. We crossed the street and watched it burn. This is when I woke up, totally disoriented and upset.

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