Sunday, December 20, 2009

A brief history of my insomnia, because I can't sleep

If you are my friend on facebook, the update you are most likely to see on a daily basis is "Lindsay can't sleep. Again." I have been in denial for a couple of months that my insomnia has gotten out of control, but I guess it has. I have had trouble sleeping as long as I can remember. People who can fall asleep in less than 5 minutes amaze me. How the f do they do that? Even when I was a kid, I was always the last one to go to sleep at sleepovers and I would lay awake on school nights watching the clock.
It got much worse in high school, and I started taking sleep medication. That sucked because I would have such a hangover in the morning. After high school, I stopped taking the meds, and eventually got to a place where I could sleep most nights. I was in that happy place until right around the time school started, and now everything has unravelled.
Most of my sleeping occurs between the hours of 7am and noon, and always on the couch. I generally get into bed around midnight, and then I generally come back to the couch around one. Eventually I get in bed and sleep restlessly. It sucks. Today I worked on about 3 hours of sleep. No fun.
Consequently, I'm always tired. I'm not sure what to do about it. None of my old tricks that would help on those few nights I'd lay awake work anymore (singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall in my head was a favorite). I'm tempted to take medication, but won't because I have such horrible memories of the groggy feeling in the morning. Also, I don't want to be dependent on meds in order to carry out a basic bodily function. So I guess I'll just ride this insomnia wave a little further and see where it takes me. I keep hoping it will go away on it's own. Hmpf.

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