Tuesday, December 22, 2009


One year down, 3 to go. I just finished my last final tonight, and am now preparing for my holiday party tomorrow. Pumpkin cookies are in the oven :). I don't feel nearly as relaxed as I should, because my Public Speaking grade is hovering around the A/A- line, and I WANT A 4.0. God damn it. She shorted me half a point on my portfolio for some reason (5 assignments, each worth 3 points, total grade: 14.5. WTF?) which I emailed her about, but really my grade hangs on what I got on my final speech tonight. She said she's usually lenient and gives everyone a 10/10 as long as they participate, which I did, but if my calculations are correct, a 9 would push me into the A- range. I should stop being such an insane perfectionist. It would free up a lot of time.
I am not sure what to do with myself now. I've been on full speed all semester. I don't think I took a single day off where I laid on the couch by myself all day, and although this break is much needed, I feel a bit anxious about it. This week is nuts, but next week I'm only working Sunday. It's going to be beautiful. Oh, I could plan my wedding.
I slept for, like, 5 hours last night which is a record. I plan on sleeping until noon tomorrow.
3 weeks from now I'll be in Iowa!! I can't wait to visit my family!

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